Saturday, 27 February 2010

Dangerous Liaisons: Philip Jackson, 1995 Theatre District

The Dangerous Liaisons was covered in graffiti, at the bottom of the sculpture it had stenciled the words Jason’s 2/3 marked on it. The sculpture itself looked quite real, because of its clothes. I t was made of bronze; it is about two people sitting on a bench in deep talk. I t looked like the two people were wearing masks and they were wearing their cloaks to hide there identity. The two men looked as if they were hiding the fact that they were talking to each other.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Dream Flight: Philomena Davis, 1989 Queens Court in the main shopping centre

Olivia explained that the person looked a bit like they were riding a horse.
Heidi said that it was cleaner than the sculpture we did.
I thought it was floating on air.
Olivia didn't like the way that it was all black.
Heidi didn't like the way that the sculpture was right in the middle of the shopping center.
I liked everything about it.
By Gracie

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Unknown, next to Jaipur, Grafton Gate East

Last Saturday we went to see a sculpture that we call the bird sculpture.

It was fun taking the pictures because we got to see the biggest purpose built Indian restaurant in Europe, which it was next to. We went there because it was quick for Olivia's birthday party that she was going to.

I think it was meant to be a birds place for sitting on. Gracie thort that it was very good but she said she didn't like it because it was dirty. Olivia told that she liked the surroundings but she didn't like the way it was shaped. I explained that she thort it was a good idea but not the way the birds did there droppings on it.

I'm sorry I could not find it's name on the Internet.

I liked it!

By Heidi
Have a nice day.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Unknown, Outside Chiquito

This piece of art had a name but we couldn't find it.
It is out side a restaurant which daddy says is very good

We think it looks like a flower that's black.

Olivia thinks that the sculpture looked a bit like a hand.
Heidi explained that she liked the way that it curves out.
Gracie felt that the sculpture  was one of the best sculptures this year.

Olivia thought that the inside looked dirty.
Heidi explained that she didn't like the way that the birds done there bird droppings on it.
Gracie felt that it needs cleaning.